Linguistik online 17, 5/03

Learning and teaching (in) Computational Linguistics

Lernen und Lehren (in) der Computerlinguistik

Herausgeber/Editor: Kai-Uwe Carstensen

Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of contents:  (PDF )

Editor's preface  (PDF)

Kai-Uwe Carstensen/Michael Hess (Zurich):
Problem-based Web-based Teaching in a Computational Linguistics Curriculum
(Abstract)  (PDF)

Pius ten Hacken (Swansea):
Computer-Assisted Language Learning and the Revolution in Computational Linguistics
(Abstract)  (PDF)

Susanne J. Jekat/Gary Massey (Zurich/Winterthur):
The Puzzle of Translation Skills. Towards an Integration of E-Learning and Special Concepts of Computational Linguistics into the Training of Future Translators
(Abstract)  (PDF)

Eric Keller/Brigitte Zellner Keller (Lausanne):
How Much Prosody Can You Learn from Twenty Utterances?
(Abstract)  (PDF)

Manfred Klenner (Zurich)/Henriëtte Visser (Heidelberg):
What exactly is wrong and why? Tutorial Dialogue for Intelligent CALL Systems
(Abstract)  (PDF)

Paola Merlo/James Henderson/Gerold Schneider/Eric Wehrli (Geneva):
Learning Document Similarity Using Natural Language Processing
(Abstract)  (PDF)

Gerold Schneider (Zurich/Geneva):
Learning to Disambiguate Syntactic Relations
(Abstract)  (PDF)

Anne Vandeventer Faltin (Geneva):
Natural language processing tools for computer assisted language learning
(Abstract)  (PDF)



zu: Willée, Gerd/Schröder, Bernhard/Schmitz, Hans-Christian (eds.) (2002): Computerlinguistik. Was geht, was kommt? Sankt Augustin. (= Sprachwissenschaft, Computerlinguistik und Neue Medien 4). 
Kai-Uwe Carstensen (Zurich)


Authors' addresses/Adressen der Autoren  (PDF)

 Linguistik online 17, 5/03

ISSN 1615-3014